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Recent Projects and Articles

Rich has written (and cartooned for) dozens of articles, book reviews, and interviews in a range of publications, such as Natural HistoryHakai, Oceanus, Leviathan, Hemingway Review, Island Journal, Living Bird, Ocean Navigator, National Geographic Traveller, Electric Literature, and The Wall Street Journal. He's a regular contributor to Sea History magazine.


Quarterly column "Animals in Sea History" for Sea History magazine includes titles such as "Brown Pelican," "Paper Nautilus," "Swordfish Art," and "Dana Octopus Squid."


Forthcoming 2025: Review of Is Anyone Listening? What Animals Are Saying to Each Other and to Us, by Denise Herzing, Sea History 


December 2024: "A Story of Historical Records on Crocodiles in the Caribbean," IUCN Crocodile Specialist Newsletter 43, no. 4 (Oct-Dec 2024), pp. 11-12. online. 


September 2024: "Ten Great Books About the Sea By Writers of Color," Electric Literature, September 2024 online.


September 2024: "Roy Hattori and the Japanese American Abalone Fishery of Monterey Bay," co-authored with Middlebury Institute of International Studies graduate and undergraduate students, Sea History (Fall 2024), pp.14-21 and online.


June 2024: "Five Best Books on Sea Voyages," Wall Street Journal, June 13, Saturday Review and online.


May 2024: "What Its Like to Encounter a Shark When You're Sailing Alone on the Open Ocean," (excerpted chapter from Sailing Alone), LitHub, May 31, online.


Summer 2024: Jeff Wescott, Richard King, and Erin Bryant, "We Sail for Stories: Fifty Years of the Blue Humanities at Sea Education Assocation," in The Ocean, Blue Spaces, and Outdoor Learning, ed. Mike Brown (Routledge), pp. 178-93.


Summer 2024: "Shoestring Voyage of Adventure: The Story of Florentino Das," co-authored with Serafin Colmenares, Jr., Practical Boat Owner, pp. 28-29. Online.


Jan/Feb 2024: "Notes from The Author: Sailing Alone," National Geographic Traveller


June 2023: "Captain Joy's Last Voyage: What A Whaling Captain's Logbook Can Tell Us About Sperm Whales and Our Oceans," Earth Island Institute (Summer 2023), co-authored with the Marine Environmental History class at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, CA.


December 2022: The Cormorant Fishing Boat: A Japanese Craftsman's Methods by Douglas Brooks, for which Rich wrote the introduction.


October 2022: Ocean: Exploring the Marine World, an art book published by Phaidon Press, for which Rich was an advisor. 


August 2022: Audubon at Sea, an anthology co-edited with Christoph Irmscher (University of Chicago Press).


July 2022: "Ocean" in A New Companion to Herman Melville, eds. Wyn Kelley and Christopher Oghe (Wiley)


August 2021: co-authored with David Anderson, "Diverse Voices from our Maritime Past: Exploring the value of  historical observations by mariners of color," Oceanus magazine, 19 August.


June 2021: "Review of Skip Finley's Whaling Captains of  Color," Nautilus 22, 2021, 47-49.


2021: "Practices: How Herman Melville Sailed Around Cape Horn and Lived to Yarn About It," in A Cultural History of the Sea: vol. 5, In the Age of Empire, ed. Margaret Cohen (Bloomsbury)


March 2021: "Audubon at Sea,Hakai magazine, 23 March.


March 2021 "Holly Martin and Solo-Sailing Women," Maine Boats, Homes, and Harbors 169.


June 2020"Call Me Climate Refugee," 41˚N, Rhode Island Sea Grant 


May 2020: "Will They Spot a Whale? (Day 2)" and "Black Sailors in the North Pacific" (Day 10) for "Pacific Crossing 2020" Storymap, Sea Education Association